
My Bookshelf

Monday, 3 February 2014

First book in print

I have finally done it.  I have my first book printed, it's my fifth work and my first teens book.  Even so I'm really pleased.  I even had a glass of wine to celebrate.  All I have to do now is sell them.

Who knows anything about marketing? 

I have read numerous items to spread the word, blogs etc and have come to the conclusion I'm doing all the right stuff.  I have this blog, I am designing a website I celebrate my success on Facebook, LinkedIn, I tell friends and relatives and still it seems I need more marketing.

Where do I go from here?

Well I need followers on this blog for a start, I know people look though it i just don't actually have followers. Is my blog boring, do I say the wrong things, well I don't know unless someone says something or leaves a comment.

Customer feedback on Amazon from those who have bought and read my novels would also be good.

Maybe I should email everyone in my contact list with a generic email telling people about my novels, where they are to be found etc. Another idea is sending an email to the local paper, though I'm not sure I'm brave enough for that yet.

Whilst my web page is under construction I can't do a business card, though it will be sorted once my webpage is set.  Once again I'll need feedback so I can improve what I've done so far.

Oh I almost forgot the book that you can now buy in print is called "Zoe's Journey," it's about a teen who find out who she really is. Along the way she meets many mythical creatures of which she'd always assumed were fairy tales.

Well back to my writing, if you buy one of my books thanks, and enjoy the read.


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